Well folks it's nearly make your mind up time. Local elections on Thursday and there's a new kid on the block called UKIP. United Kingdom Independence Party with a charismatic leader Nigel Farage who believes the UK should be a free and independent nation, not some subservient region of the EU with powers akin to a parish council.
They are ridiculed and branded as nutters and fruitcakes by the main establishment parties which convinces me they must be doing something right to be attacked in this way. All true Brits are nutters and fruitcakes. Eccentricity is part of our proud heritage of maverick thinkers. It's why we produce so much genius.
So I investigated their manifesto and was amazed at the common sense of it all, and the members who represented a complete cross section of society.
We've always been a divided nation but suddenly for the first time I thought there's hope here for unification and reconciliation between left and right.
Then more seriously I thought about the millions who died for our freedom and sovereignty in two world wars. DAMMIT! Don't we owe it to all those lost lives not to vote for traitors who would give our nation's freedom, future and heritage away without a mandate but for those who would preserve it. After all it beats dying for it.
Suddenly for the first time in my life I wanted to vote and join a political party. So I joined and I'll vote UKIP on Thursday and have a clear conscience that I'm not part of the great establishment betrayal. Not only that but I'm actively canvassing on their behalf. It might only be local elections but it's where it all starts from and the seeds have been well and truly sown.
Join me if you believe the UK is worth fighting for and you've had enough of the LIB/LAB/CONS and their destructive divisiveness. It's how they rule - divide and conquer and they rely on the undemocratic first past the post voting system to
preserve the status quo and prevent incursions from newcomers who could spoil the party.
Hi Don Quixote, uh I mean Ben, I am not saying you are tilting at windmills nor will I add the song Man of Lamancha To Dream The Impossible Dream http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGzqbEeVWhs , although I must say it helps me as I tend to agree with you that "divide and conquer" tends to keep the establishment in power and ordinary folks perpetually dependent on the "system" and generally screwed. I wish you the best of luck but in America the winner is generally already known, very few surprises. Should be a fun, interesting evening watching all of the results roll in,Bill