Sunday, 7 April 2013

My Message to the UK

To every UK citizen I say this. Whilst never forgetting the injustices and grievances of the past it is time to move on and concentrate on those of the present.  To do this we need to unite under a one nation banner to defeat the ruling LIB/LAB/CON establishment that has dragged this country down to depths we could never have imagined 30 years ago. Through mismanagement of the economy, corruption, greed, profligacy and most of all our disastrous non-mandated membership of the EU we have become a pathetic shadow of the nation we once were.We are no longer in control of our own destiny. How the millions who died for our freedom and democracy in two world wars have been betrayed. Consider  our proud history down through the centuries. The great generals, admirals and fighting men who still live on in our genes.What's left that they would recognise today?
It matters not what colour, race,creed or religion you are, you are all part of this history. You owe it to yourselves and the nation to help restore our freedom and democracy as an independent global trading nation. There is only party now who can restore this heritage and hope for a better future. That party is the UNITED KINGDOM INDEPENDENCE PARTY and it's charismatic leader is NIGEL FARAGE.
So  stop winging,  get off your butts, do something about it.Go out there and vote UKIP at all the forthcoming elections, and spread the UKIP revolution. We're going to blaze a UKIP trail right into the heart and minds of the people of this nation and confine the LIB/LAB/CONS to the dustbin of history


  1. Hi Ben, I have friends who don't know who the President is, or their governor in charge of their state. There is apathy and corrupt politicians take advantage of that and do whatever they want, while we watch television or are distracted by the daily struggles of life in this current economic mess.Bill

  2. We're probably in more need of a new political system rather than just a new party with some alternative policies. We need a system where a man has the right to self determination in the light of his conscience and in freedom of tyranny, alien or otherwise.

  3. Bill you're so right but every man has to have his limit when he says enough is enough. When enough of them reach this point is when it all kicks off. That's why we fight to the bitter end for what we believe in.

  4. Prof - That too. The 1st past the post system only works for the politicians. Makes it easy for them and does to some extent speed up legislation. But the advantages are vastly outweighed by the undemocratic nature of a system where a minority always rules.This can't be right. Add the Commons confrontational side of it where they can't seem to indulge in proper debate but bawl and bray at each other like donkeys and what can I say. You're dead right. But That can come later when UKIP have some clout.Your man's vote would then mean something
