Monday, 15 April 2013


I hate the word 'disease',  I prefer 'condition'. It seems to me as a non-medical person with RA that all illnesses, whatever the causes have common denominators like inflammation, pain, loss of mobility, deformity etc. Whatever condition or illness we suffer from whether caused by genetic fault, virus, bacteria, poisoning, injury, stress or problems of our immune system, it's apparent that how we respond to that cause and the medication is determined in large part by our genetic make-up with a little help of course by lifestyle. This is why I believe that once the full human genetic footprint of every individual is known and recorded on medical data bases, medications and treatments such as stem cell therapy can then be developed and targeted for every individual accordingly. When that process has been completed the human species has the potential for almost everlasting life.I do not believe the world of 'Scotty' the medic with the magic hypodermic is that far away.You might think I'm over-optimistic here but the implications are also frightening. Think about it. Only the gods are immortal.


  1. Hi Ben, here in America the last thing cured was Polic and the President at the time had it. I figure they have the cures for many diseases but would rather "maintain" your condition, for a nominal monthly fee of course. I thought they would release the cure for many things but from an economic point of view that would destroy the current business model, no more "bonus" checks and stock options. I am with you and waiting for Star Trek technology to fix what ails us. There are 7 billion of us here, so maybe someday.Bill

  2. Polio I meant lol, Roosevelt was the President,sitting on the patio in the dark watching the critters n typing

  3. I hear you Bill but the cures don't come without the consequences. Can society afford immortality. Do we control breeding somehow? Resources are limited.
