Tuesday, 16 April 2013


I've suddenly acquired a large audience in Russia. I wonder what they find interesting in someone like me who 's achieved little in life except a reasonable standard of piano playing, providing a home for our family and contracting RA. Though I lead a comfortable existence it's only the luck of the devil that has allowed me to reach this far. I was lucky in love, lucky in work and deserved none of it. I like to think I am a survivor. Okay I did a few good things but I certainly never set the world alight. 
When I read the history of Russia, it's hard to comprehend these amazing people.My mother and father probably would though. Dad was an ardent communist until he embraced world government and Emery Reeves Anatomy of Peace and Mom read most of the great Russian classics like War and Peace.She had all the literary brains.Dad was the design engineer.I got none of either.
The sacrifice they made and suffering they endured in two world wars is beyond imagination or understanding. We owe our existence to these people every bit as much as we owe it to the sacrifices of our own servicemen and allies. What possibly could I say to these people that would have any meaning or significance for them?
Maybe one of them will read my book The Badgers Holt Affair by Ben Corde on Kindle and see something I must have missed.
So here you are my Russian friends. I shamelessly supply a link to my little literary and technological effort which has only taken me about twenty years to do.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Comrade Ben, I am thinking that some Putinka Vodka will help alleviate the RA. I bought some at a small shop in Chicago, if you like vodka. From Russia with love-Bill, which just happens to be near Chicago :))
