Nothing would give me more pleasure now than seeing the rotten, corrupt, Europhile, LIB/LAB/CON political establishment swept into the dustbin of history in all the forthcoming local, European and National elections.
I consider them nothing more than traitors who have betrayed everything the millions of young servicemen of our armed forces died for in two world wars. Our heritage and our future.Many were not more than teenagers. Every family in the UK must have a family member in one of those unmarked graves. Our army, navy and airforce numbered over a million then. Bigger than the US even. And don't forget all our Commonwealth allies. The LIB/LAB/CONS have.They fought and died for the UK too. But We will remember them.
Now, at last, there is a man of the people who can unite our divided nation and return this once great country to a land of fairness, justice, decency and tolerance in a free and independent UK.
New hope looms on the horizon. A UK free of the shackles of Europe. A UK with a whole raft of commonsense policies to make us great once more.Restore our industry, sensible energy and planning policies,(not windmills) improve our schools, health service and public services. Cut waste, costs, taxes bureacracy and crime. Above all allow only the immigrants that we need who want to work and abide under our laws in this overcrowded island which is bursting at the seams and struggling to house and provide medical services and education for our people. This man recognizes we are all equal no matter what colour, race, creed or religion.
His name is NIGEL FARAGE and his party is THE UNITED KINGDOM INDEPENDENCE PARTY. The undemocratic 1st past the post system we have is a huge hurdle for a new party. BUT IF ENOUGH can say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH the UKIP revolution can accomplish peacefully what only Cromwell managed to do in the past with his roundheads.
Lets make it happen. VOTE UKIP for a new UK. For our children and grandchildren if nothing else.
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