Sunday, 7 April 2013


What a great word maverick is - reflecting  the  non-conformist, free thinking, rebellious instinct in us all that comes to the fore when a great injustice gives rise to the need for radical change.Stepping outside the box can often be a dangerous and lonely place, but once out others follow.
In my own case I see this 'injustice' in our political system. It's a rotten system full of rotten people and it needs to be changed. For too long  this nation of lions has been led by donkeys - the Westminster donkeys of the LIB/LAB/CON establishment who divide and rule this nation in successive terms of office with a minority mandate never much more than a third of the electorate and then spend the next four years slagging each other off across the benches of the Commons, introducing crap legislation often nothing to do with their manifesto promises which are usually worthless anyway.
Right now what incenses me to incandescent rage is the traitorous way we've been dragged into the corrupt mire of the  EU Socialist Republic with all it's waste, profligacy, undemocratic interference in our commerce, industry, agriculture and fisheries.This is to say nothing of the the mindless bureaucracy, the madness of the ECHR judgements that stop us extraditing terrorists etc, the lunatic green eco taxes and carbon trading in the name of now discredited climate change theory and the massive influx of immigrants into an overcrowded island with neither the infrastructure, jobs,  or room to cope.I could go on and on.
The economic cost of this mad enterprise far outweighs any benefits we get and in fact our global trade is far more important than Europe alone. 
But here is the crux of the matter whatever the pros and cons are and I don't see many pros.THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN GIVEN A MANDATE  by the electorate for this great betrayal of our nations heritage and future. Winston Churchill famously said in the Commons 'If we ever have to choose between Europe and the open sea we must always choose the open sea' What short memories they have. No sense of history or heritage in this lot of politically correct morons.
Here is the good news . There is a quiet revolution taking place.A new party with a charismatic leader is rising across the land.A party by the people for the people not financed by the unions or banking and big business but by ordinary folk like me. This party is THE UNITED KINGDOM INDEPENDENCE PARTY - UKIP for short and it's leader is NIGEL FARAGE.
So I'm on a personal mission to promote this new movement wherever and whenever I can and I hope you'll all join with me in sweeping out the existing establishment by voting for them in every election
Let's put the Great back into Britain and restore our freedom and democracy


  1. Fantastic and very inspirational post Ben.


  2. Nice write-up.

    I think people are still worried about the consequences of leaving the EU.

    Clearly there aren't many, but there is a discourse that is attached to UKIP that implies leaving the EU would tear apart our economy.

    If this stigma can be cleared up, then UKIP will prosper.

  3. Agreed Dane. This false assumption has been entrenched by lies and misrepresentation and only constant improvement in the polls will make people start to question it. All the more reason to fight all the harder to restore our freedom and democracy as an independent global trading nation which we always were and which our servicemen and allies died in their millions to protect in two world wars
