It's as if I know myself for the first time.
All the grey areas have become black or white.
The jumbled up pieces of the jigsaw in my head have fallen into place and I see the whole picture.
At last I know who I really am and what I was.
I know I love my wife, our family and home, sport, (especially rugby),British history, anything to do with boats, the arts, literature, music and science and the genius born of natural talent and graft of all those past and present who create the visions, sounds, words and technology that make our lives worth while, the medicines that cure our ills, the tools to ply our trade, the means to build and progress into the unknown.
I marvel at the laws of physics, evolution and the universe.
I know that I always tried to do my best, but it was never good enough because I was a weak man who periodically drank to excess for far too many years and that it cost me my self respect, distorted my judgement, deadened my ambition and almost lost me my loving family and the roof over our heads. Somehow it didn't. Whoever writes my script took pity. I got the message
I know that when I was diagnosed with a serious condition that would need powerful drugs to control, it was a turning point. Stop drinking or no medication and die was the stark warning from the consultant.
I know that true peace of mind, joy and that sense of fulfilment is heightened when forged on the anvil of pain and suffering.
I know that without care and compassion for fellow humanity we are nothing.
I know that those LIB/LAB/CONS who always govern us by minority have betrayed us and those gone before us and all the values I used to take for granted, by undermining natural justice and traditional hard won values,built into our genes over the centuries, encouraging greed, selfishness, deceit and dishonesty.Some of this rubbed off onto me and I became no better than them.
I know myself for the first time.
I know it's not too late to save our nation.
I know I'm UKIP.
Why has it taken so long?
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