Thursday, 25 April 2013


My old XP desktop finally packed up so I looked at the options. IMAC was a bit more than I wanted to pay. Warned off W8 until August when the start option is added as many have said they don't get on with it and prefer W7. Luckily I found a dealer who could still get new Lenovo W7s  at a reasonable price and jumped in.
I got her up and running and everything was fine until my wife tried to open email pdf file attachments from an insurance company. Something called Nitro Pro was blocking Adobe and there didn't appear to be any way to escape without buying the program. I Googled this and found other sites reporting the same issue. The penny dropped. The bloody thing was installed on the machine, so I uninstalled it from control panel. Problem solved. Up popped adobe and all is well. 
What I want to know is what gives these software companies the right to block other programs in order to sell there own? Although I'm no computer expert there are many less computer literate than me who might easily be duped into an unwitting purchase just to get up and running. It's not on. These programs should not be installed on brand new machines without some sort of warning.

1 comment:

  1. They likely pay to be pre loaded onto computers I would think. I read a government report that China installs spyware on computers which are then shipped around the world and this committee issued the report, well it does make sense to keep an eye on people from their perspective.
    We have traded a lot to be part of a "global economy" most nations, including the USA are no longer wholly food independent, although we do have a robust food export business we still receive a great deal of other food products from abroad.
    Here in America we have everything hooked to the internet, doesn't sound to secure to me to have foreign nations hack your power suppliers and turn off the juice to millions of folks at a whim. I suppose we will have to disconnect some things, but that will mean we will have to lose efficiency and hire people where once a person in a different location could do that job,but you will be ultimately more secure, so there are economic trade offs. Congrats on the new computer, my wife spilled tea on my new laptop,sheesh,bill
