Friday, 8 March 2013

Essential reading for UKIP

It’s sad but true, I have to agree with the 72 year old man who wrote this letter, and I notice there isn’t a reply.
 PLEASE PASS IT ON to everyone you can, its time BOTH parties stood up and listened.
This is our country and it’s being destroyed.
Subject: The silent majority
To David Cameron (Prime Minister) & Ed Milliband (Leader of the Opposition)
You BOTH Worry me! (In fact both of your Political parties worry the hell out of me!!!)
Over the last three years, I find myself becoming more and more fearful of the pair of you, and between you, you are turning this country into a place that I no longer feel at home in, or feel a part of!
I watch you in parliament, and no, not just the two of you, but also every politician that I see, stand up in parliament sneering at each other, and acting like children!! (And if you were my children, I would be ashamed of you all, what an example to set!)
Although you would like us all to believe that you are putting the needs of this country at the forefront, NEITHER of you are doing that, you seem more interested in "one-up-man ship ", in scoring off each other & denigrating each other, to the detriment of this country & its people!!!
It seems to be all about YOU as individuals, and not about what you can DO for this country!
It is fast becoming a place that I do not recognize, as the place I always thought, was the best place in the world to be!  But no longer!
You are not listening to the people of this country! I am watching the deterioration of living standards in this country, (and according to you, on a world stage we are doing better than most countries ... REALLY?) ... And yet the gap is widening between the "haves" and the "have-nots”.
I see our homeless on the streets, our hospitals under-funded, and understaffed, our health system is an absolute mess and a  disgrace.
And yet I see multi-millions of UK pounds being sent offshore, in aid to other countries, before attending to this country's needs!
I see the selling off of water rights to foreign interests, WHY?  Especially when you go to great lengths to tell us that water is a finite resource & supposedly, we must ALL be careful with how we use it, so that we ensure we have it for the future?           
A Carbon Tax, (which you KNOW is just another tax) which will make NO appreciable difference, to carbon emissions, AT ALL! A tax, which in spite of all your arguments FOR it, you are doing alone, when other major countries will NOT & DO NOT embrace it, or believe in it!
All that it will do for this country is put working families and small businesses in jeopardy, what planet are you on, if you think that the tax we must pay will make even a scrap of difference to the effect of the carbon tax on people? Anyone can see the holes in that argument!
Do you really think we are that dumb?
Let's talk about Multiculturalism ...People have come here from other countries, for a better life, for more years than I have been alive (I am 72 years old!) Pre & Post war immigrants came for a better life, and settled in and became wonderful contributors to this country, all have contributed to the rich diversity of this country, and some descendants have even fought FOR this country, and they have become U.K.citizens and were glad to be ...and they had NO handouts from our Government either, they worked hard for everything! I have never before had a problem with all, or any race of immigrants coming here. However, I DO NOW!!! Please tell me why we have areas in towns and on large estates all over the country, where police do NOT, & will NOT go, for fear of their life?
Please tell me why we can no longer have religion in schools for fear of "OFFENDING" someone?
(The latest little gem is that they are not having or being funded, for chaplains any more, but Counsellors!) Please tell me why religious Christmas observances are no longer allowed in some schools for fear of OFFENDING someone?           
Please tell me HOW Christmas decorations in some stores might OFFEND someone?     
Please tell me why we have to have segregated days in some swimming centres for fear of "OFFENDING" someone?
Please tell me why we have some RADICAL clerics demanding Sharia Law in this country when if we were in THEIR country, this would NEVER be allowed?
Please tell me why our laws need to be changed, so as not to OFFEND someone?       
Please tell me why we are fast becoming a MINORITY voice, in our own country, because of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS?                      
Please tell me WHY Britons cannot legally wear a bike helmet covering their head in a bank and yet it is ok to wear a Burqa which covers the whole of the face?
And please tell me WHY, when those people who want asylum here can wreck our detention centres and STILL be accepted here?
What does that say about just who and what are this government's priorities?
The British people that I speak to have genuine concerns about becoming a second-class minority in our own country, and the reasons for it are some of the above. Are  you so blind that you cannot see this? And no, I am NOT racist!  If I did not like Catholics or Protestants would I be considered racist? Of course not!
Why is it then, that if we object to what is happening in our country we are immediately labelled RACIST, is this simply an attempt to shut us up?
We are fighting Radical Muslims in Afghanistan & Iraq , are we not? I hear you say, yes but the Muslims we have here are "Not like that “. Well how would we know?
Do we hear ANY of them coming out & speaking AGAINST  radicals? I haven't, have you?
Islam is not compatible with ANY of the values that we hold here in Britain! Are not the experiences of France and the Netherlands an example of that? Why do you think it would be any different here? We even have a British born "radical", whose message is that Britain WILL become a Muslim country, under Sharia Law, and that we had "better get used to it ".
Will both of you grow some "balls", and start sticking up for this country and its people? We are the people who put you where you are and PAY you to look after our interests!  And you are NOT doing that by any stretch of the imagination!
I would appreciate an answer from both of you, if only to convince me that once again I am not talking to a brick wall! In case it has escaped both of you I would like to remind you that, in the U.K. Government is FOR THE PEOPLE. OF THE PEOPLE. & BY THE PEOPLE ...  
Never forget that because you sure have up till now!


  1. Sign this petition to restrict Bulgarian and Romanians from entering the UK:

    Over 85,000 signed

    Maker Miliband and Cameron make a public decision on immigration

  2. Hi Ben, we have the same fools on the hill as apparently you do. Both our nations embraced economic theories that turned out not to be true, and now the elite are not sure how to undue the damage they themselves have wrought. Since it was the citizens who elected them the brunt of the harm will fall on them.
    Oddly enough european corporations are sitting on 3 trillion dollars overseas but won't invest in Europe until they see changes. Money or the lack thereof is the problem and it will take money to solve the problem. Why haven't Europe and America discussed a free trade agreement, we can increase economic activities and opportunities for all, yet we haven't did much about it. Europe is working on their own Global Positioning System, I read your EU budget,why waste 7 billion euros on such a thing when you have so many more pressing needs. I am sure someone somewhere is profiting off of it which is why. Great post Ben,bill


  4. Thanks guys. The more we put it about the better
