Sunday, 5 May 2013

My comment on Norman Tebbitt's observations about Tory arrogance

You were one of the best Norman. I'm sorry we haven't got you in UKIP but your article says it all. I believe Left and Right can unite for the first time ever in peacetime under Nigel Farage to restore freedom and democracy to our nation. This is only the start. Neither is this just about the loss of our country to EU rule without a mandate. There is a full manifesto of common sense no nonsense policies on education, NHS, immigration, crime and justice social services and the rest. I have never been so enthusiastic about politics to push leaflets thro doors before but glad I did. Our man in Chard North got elected and I feel proud to have done the right thing by the millions of our fallen of two world wars who everyone seems to have forgotten except UKIP.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ben,can you explain lib/lab/con to us foreigners, you must recall you have readers scattered all over the world. I figure lab is labor?,but who are tories and such would be a help in deciphering the workings of the UK government. I must tell you it still confounds me why the UK sold off most of its gold, but London is a financial hub and with this new economics gold is crap and derivatives and stocks and bonds are "real" wealth and shiny stuff is crap. So go slow with us yanks and russians who read your post, whenever you find time I mean, I need a score card to keep track of all of these players with their different agendas, we have similar folks here you can believe that. Bill
