Monday, 2 December 2013


We used to vote Conservative, now we vote for the United Kingdom Independence Party. Here's one reason why.
Our son has to prove an income of 18K+ before his Thai wife he married 3 years ago is allowed a permanent visa, but is unable to do so because there's nothing in our area in the architectural technician field, so he does whatever's available and driving jobs. He never claims benefit.
 He can’t move away to find work because he’d be even worse off as all his earnings would go on rent, council tax and bills. Because of this we would be happy to support them both under our own roof and would sign a declaration to this effect.
All the money he earns goes either to support her in Thailand or on air fares. HOW DOES THIS HELP THE UK ECONOMY?
He can’t live and work in Thailand because of their own rules which would mean leaving the country every few months to renew visa.
 Not so for EU jobless, illegal immigrants, asylum seekers etc  with no UK ties who are allowed straight in onto our benefits and NHS, and as everyone knows the EU who now govern us will not allow any change. These benefits are substantial and can amount to five times more than a UK citizen's old age state pension.
These people have not paid a penny into our system in the way of National Insurance or Taxation.
 We think this is UNJUST, UNFAIR, HEARTLESS and contrary to traditional British values. Why should they be allowed in without having to prove no state dependency too, when a UK citizen can't even have his own wife or partner with him? Would you like to be separated from your partner for 9 months every year? Surely this is discrimination.
The government just doesn’t live in the real world. Wages in the West Country are low and these arbitrary rules don’t allow for any common sense or reasonable negotiation to be applied to the individual case.
THIS is one reason we support UKIP. The same rules should apply to ALL immigrants even if it doesn't help our own son. At least it would be FAIR.

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