Wednesday, 4 August 2010


Good news at the hospital today. My Xrays show no damage progression to any joints and blood inflammation markers are improving. The drugs seem to be working for now anyway. There's still life left in the old dog yet. Just to prove it we went on afterwards to RHS Rosemoor at Great Torrington and walked miles or so it seemed.
My Facebook link didn't seem to go down too well,so I'm not posting any more of these if it causes anger or upset.
 I sincerely hope that the latest reports stating that 75% of the oil has gone now are true and the good people of the Southern US can return to a normal life. I believe BP have done all they could but the early PR was a disaster and the spill was probably understated
Let's hope lessons have been learned and this never happens again.
Karla you've nothing to apologise for. You're entitled to your views and opinions and if they don't agree with mine so be it. I'm still checking Autumn but things seem to have gone quiet for now.


  1. Congrats on your good news! That's great and the long walk is awesome too! I bet you could out do me on the walks as I smoke too much and sit around way too much and know I shouldn't do either. I have good days and not so good ones where the motor is running correctly.....some times I'm just at a snails pace and can't muster anymore than that. I'm thinking adrenal fatigue to go along with the thyroid probs... I don't know.

    Ben.... your post didn't upset me, you posting it definitely didn't upset me... Even the article itself wasn't upsetting, it was the comments that followed the article... I'm just sensitive right now, probably because I'm homesick and too, since the beginning of the disaster I have been in close contact with some people directly involved... So the constant American bashing that I read is too much to take. It is obvious how much Americans are hated but when one is in the states.. you don't realize it or even care to be honest... My living here gives me a window with a view to the other side of opinions.. Sometimes I can listen to them objectively...other times it's as if, enough is enough. I've been here off and on for 6 years and I can see the same amount of ignorance, greed, obesity, arrogance etc..(All the things that we are accused of being and doing) as I can in any town in the US.. Were all human and we all have flaws but to hear one side talking against another it seems that the only arrogance I'm reading about comes from here when that simple fact is forgotten. Seems most people want to associate 'every' American into one concept; roll us all into one ball and blame our government and decide that because our government thinks acts the way it does, that ALL of the American people do too.
    One thing that we are and we do and as far as I know of American history and of what it is based that we'll wave that flag no matter what and like a family we can talk about our family member and all of their flaws but have a hard time when someone else does it. That's the American arrogance I suppose.. United together and divided we fall. Flaws and all.
    Anyway... I'm not happy when you disappear and I'm left not knowing... I give a shit what happens to you and I give a shit if you are unhappy with me. When my big mouth puts out an opinion.... I'm capable of getting one in return...
    So many of my friends debate things on facebook and we argue and disagree but at the end of the day we are still friends and just agree to disagree.... I guess that's all I was doing while commenting to your post.

    *About Autumn~ I haven't even tried to write anything lately. My mind hasn't been in a good place...The stern lines between my eyes are growing at a rapid rate...I gotta get myself in a better place, mentally and probably physically. But my mind changes like the weather here, so who knows... I hope you'll stick around!

  2. You're dead right, the people who leave those comments are idiots, uneducated and in a minority. Most people I know don't dislike Americans any more than any other people. Many like me have family there. There are some things we condider un-British yes, like the brashness but then they've got something to be brash about.They are no 1 after all and that's unlikely to change in the next 100 years.By the time China's on the moon the Yanks will be running tourism flights to Pluto. The other thing we dislike is their litigation society and what we see as unfettered capitalism like reliance on private insurance etc. They see us as nearly communists but when you look into things you can see that at least over there they regulate business and corporations and PUNISH fraudsters severely and hold people to account. Over here they get away scot free and everyone seems to be rewarded for failure. As for the ordinary folk they're just like any other and want to get on with their lives.The one thing above all that still causes most resentment is the impression we get that America doesn't seem to recognise that in two world wars we stood alone for years before they came to the rescue somewhat reluctantly (WW2 Pearl Harbour)We had 2 million men under arms and were definitely the major partner.We needed the US in the end because we didn't have the money or equipment or manpower and boy did they make us pay. We lost our empire and paying back the martial loan put us in Hock for a generation.You got your pound of flesh and whereas you feel we hate you the perception is here that you despise us and our heroic history is reduced to B movie status.I don't think President Obama has helped with his anti British remarks after the BP oil spill but then neither did Tony Haywood with his insensitive remarks that enraged America.
    God I'll be glad when all this shit is over!!!

  3. I understand why there is this disdain that goes way back in our histories.... and you are correct about the people that are the usual commenters to these types of articles..... but for the most part it seems pretty hypocritcal too .. especially when some of the same people will reap all that America sows ...good or bad, rather it be food or Hollywood fashion. I mean, if these same people that can talk so hatefully..... and talk about how America is this big corporate run pig.. why are they buying into the same thing that they are accusing.
    Ah well.. I love England, not from my roots although I do have that and not a distant one but very close in blood.. but it is the time I've spent here, the history of the country and the beauty that it offers. I can see the ugly too and the one thing that I have learned that the ugly is everywhere and if people would just stop pointing fingers long enough to recognize it.... I think it is high time to stop referring to one another as of the country that they are born from and just remember that were actually all....... Earthlings.

  4. Well said. Couldn't agree more. One day we might have to face up to the fact we all live on the same planet and the only way we'll survive is TOGETHER
