The day before yesterday we walked here along the harbour wall at Seaton which you can see running along the foot of the cliffs on the left. The estuary of the Axe runs past the cottages and into the sea round a shingle bar in the top of the picture. The neap incoming tide was approaching it's height.
We stopped and I looked down into the water. It was teeming with what I first thought were fish, then realised were eels because of the way they swam. Millions and millions of them. As I watched, fascinated by this spectacle of nature I saw shoals of tiny irridescent fish, much smaller than the eels which appeared and disappeared in sparkling, glittering little shimmers of coloured light.
Two boys fished for crabs, intent only on their dangling lines.
A young man approached who I guessed was a real fisherman. His face was tanned by the salt air and sun and he looked like he was a boatman. His cap bore the logo FISH. He had strong features and an intelligent, but friendly look about him with . A face you instantly knew belonged to someone you could rely on in an emergency. The face of a man whose character was moulded by the sea, the elements and respect for nature.
I greeted him and asked him if they were eels."Yes" he replied, and he seemed pleased at my interest. "But not the eels you think," he continued, reading my mind "not the Sargasso sea eels that grow large and live in our rivers. These are sand eels and what you see is as big as they get. The tiny brightly coloured shoals are what they eat. Out in the sea beyond the harbour entrance the bass and other larger fish wait to eat the eels in turn. This year is a good year and that's why there are so many."
I thanked him for the information and we walked on.
So they were just part of a food chain, bigger eating smaller eating miniscule. To be born to be eaten or eat, to breed if lucky and to die. I'm glad they put on such a display, just for me.
I hope BP don't ever drill for oil round these parts.
Good story... I'm leaving the BP comments alone though.. just gets me started and my blood boiling.
ReplyDeleteI was age four and remember my dad taking me fishing on the Chesapeake Bay where we lived, my first catch was an eel.. I started dancing and screaming 'Snake'! My dad just laughed and explained what it was. I don't know the type, but it sounds like these sand eels... small like that.
Well I'm glad it wasn't a conger. You might not be here now.
ReplyDeleteI've just been on LuLu and I found your book. I want to buy it.. but what I would like, is for you to sign it.. what I'm wondering is if I buy it, have it sent here than sent to you or can I have it sent to you then you to me? LOL.. And all of this is with your permission, of course. Not trying to be disrespectful...I would love to have a copy and it would be great to have your signature on it. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteI think I've got a spare copy no charge to you, I need an address though.
ReplyDeleteI'll send you a facebook email with it.. But, that is too kind Ben.. I've still got the page open and prepared to buy it!
ReplyDeleteNo problem. Hope you're going to be there until the mailman arrives. Probably take a couple of days. Don't expect too much. The style is surreal and may not be to your taste.
ReplyDeleteOne book is neither here nor there. I would not dream of charging a friend for it or the postage. By the time you've got into it you may feel I should be paying you to read it. You're welcome anytime. Now should you want 10,000.....
ReplyDeleteIt's also available on Amazon but you can pass the word round to your mates on that.
ReplyDeleteForgot to say-- Got the address okay 44 Broad meadow Lane etc
ReplyDeleteLOL Well, I had it at one time where you had sent me the file.. and just re-read the preview pages on LuLu.. so no threat of me not caring for it.. I was absorbed! Thank you Ben.. really generous. I'll take it home with me, pass it around to friends who My oldest daughter for one.... she and I exchange books all the time. It would be great if Barnes and Noble would display it.. I have another friend who did that.... and it was/is the strangest non-sensical book ever written, I believe.
ReplyDeleteHe's a bit of a fruitcake.. and the book definitely was the ramblings of one. But the book sat on the counter of the biggest book chain store.. couldn't help but be impressed, even if it is a pathetic book. Credit due to him though, for actually doing it.
Yes well you haven't read mine yet. Not much of my humour in it which I regret now. Anyway it's in the bag and will post it tomorrow when the post office is open. Half day closing today.By the way it is available on Barnes and Noble too.I think.Now I want to see you write yours and publish.I bet you can do better. Lulu is a great tool and the way you handle this particular tool makes me look like a complete amateur. You'll turn the Lulu team upside down and inside out, what great fun you could have, but you'll need a laptop and plenty of hot spots the way you move about. Funny thing ocurred to me. Once you've been in Lulu it'll probably change forever after you've finished suggesting improvements and pointing out gliches. I won't recognise it.
ReplyDeleteIt's just fascinating to me to be reading a book of an actual friend.
ReplyDeleteI wish you would write something maybe like the style of Lewis Grizzard..
I've always thought your writing should be in a humorist column in a paper.
I've got a laptop, which needs major emptying of photos..all bogged down.
I'm sure you or LuLu hasn't anything to fear of me on their site.. Now, some UK websites could stand a lesson or two on more user friendly pages...Hahaha